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Every state outside of Missouri already has a PDMP in place, but issues with data standardization and differences in regulations inhibit their potential.
Pharmacists, how many times have you seen a patient pay for more their medication than they should, all because you’re prohibited from telling them about ways to save money?
Despite these findings, the study authors reiterated that opioid analgesics remain the first-line treatment for moderate-to-severe acute pain in emergency departments. Data from 2006-2010 confirm that opioids were prescribed for 18.7% of ED discharges.
There have been millions invested in healthcare technology over the past 10 years focused primarily on improving the administrative efficiency of our healthcare system and providing greater access and coverage. Today, as the healthcare landscape changes and public policy is focused on quality, coordinated accountable care, and expanded emphasis on addressing chronic conditions, healthcare IT has had to grow with it and become more patient-centric to help achieve these goals.
First come the music-festival Instas and Snaps, now come the juicy recaps. That’s right, get ready to slow-roll your (virtual) vintage VW Surfari back in time to a desert dreamscape populated by people in really good outfits posing against one equally photogenic ferris wheel
The term kids fashion is quite broad and everything that can make your kids look cools comes under it. However, it is used most widely to refer to two main areas of kids styling i.e. the hairstyles and clothing
Hello from baby love bubble land!! Oooh my goodness, you guys! The past two weeks have been the most wonderful, magical, sleepy, messy, happy, dreamy….! These really are the best moments of life, aren’t they? I haven’t opened up my computer for the past couple weeks, but I just wanted to quickly check in and say hello and share a little update of life with our baby boy.
I find first birthdays particularly bittersweet, because I love and cherish the sweetness of that first year of life. I think back to those first moments when they were born, and I am utterly amazed by how much the sweet babies grow in just one year! And because the first year of life is so special, I always want to reflect those sentiments by having a birthday which is super magical and memorable (no pressure then!).
Amsterdam is in full spring bloom! The city fields and roadsides are sprinkled with daffodils and flower stands are overflowing with tulips. Our house is all of a sudden so bright and colourful, with loads of that beautiful crisp, early-year sunshine beaming in and tons of little vases and baskets with flowers scattered about. I love this time of year!